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Nile Fish


For fishing lovers:

As we talked before the tilapia fish inhabit sides of rivers and canals, so when you catch this fish you must consider the quiet places where there are no fast streams of water because it is undoubtedly not Containing swarms of tilapia. But if you want to catch this fish always look for places that are deep and quiet places or shallow waters to some extent that have a grass abundance. And this or that both are valid but only vary the type of tilapia fish. And also found swarms of tilapia in calm waters which are located on the edge of rivers was taken the form of a semi-circle. One of the largest sizes and the most famous of tilapia the Royal tilapia which build nests in the sand through a hole created by the male. So the characteristics of this fish need renewable water and wide places. Certainly when we talk about wide places with sandy nature , the best place houses this fish is Lake Nasser, where it comes every year many local and foreign fishing trips, and also of course the huge Lake Victoria. The Royal tilapia fish there weighs up to 15Kg.

Bait used and the method of fishing:

Most species of tilapia is caught by four or five types of bait, the most famous in order are worms and Reem (kind of algae), then the dough.There is information that should be taken into account before starting to determine the type of bait used to catch fish specially tilapia, that tilapia fish is affected by the type of food it used to get it a day, so we should take into account the nature of the place which in turn determines its usual food.There are also seasons for fishing and each season has its own bait and it depends on the seasons of the year. In winter, for example, the best bait in the morning to fish tilapia is Reem , in summer the best bait in the morning to fish tilapia fish is wheat or dough only if the industry is perfect. But at night in any season of the year there is only one bait and does not deviate it's live worms.

We will take them into details:

Live worms:
Characterized by that it is nearly the favorite of all types of fish. Which resides on the edge of the shallow canals and rich irrigated farmlands after half meter of the surface of the soil approximately.

And is placed in the hook  by one of two ways:-

- The first is to put the bait into the hook

to take the shape with leaving a small

part to attract fish when the bait moves

with the water.

- The second is to put two baits  in the

rod and this way is  called (Spider way) .

This method is used with large volumes

of tilapia, are also used when we sure

that the absence of small fish in water

not to consume it quickly and because

it does not allow to the big fish to get

near to the bait.

The best number of hooks we use with worms are 5, 6, 7 according to the size of tilapia, then tying the hook with string size 25 or 30 depending on size as well, and place a string size 30 or 35 on the machine depending on the string size.

One of these two methods is used in fishing:
The first is (throwing) or reliance on the weight directly without using floats and this method is Irreplaceablein the morning, especially if you  go fishing in the river itself, not the small canals. In brief throwing the string with the weight in water and rely on the vision of the movement of  the rod tip.
The second is using float by putting a float above the weight and by it we can control the length of the string under the surface of the water , the length varies depending on depth of the water. And reliance here to see the movement of the float in the water.

It's  a preferred bait for tilapia, but only if tilapia has been accustomed to this bait, whether the nature of the place accustomed it or that the fisherman to walk by a particular place continuously and always uses  this bait.

The best times of fishing using wheat is the

afternoon , because the wheat gas no smell 

to attract fish so it's difficult to fish with it at

night, so it's better to fishing with wheat at the

location of sandy soil or clay water to make it

easier  for the fish to see the wheat. and fishing

season using wheat is in the summer  ,

especially wheat harvests seasons. and

shallow water places is better for using wheat,

but for the deeper places we throw a set of wheat

among Hyacinth (nile flower) if found to attract tilapia to the region.

We prepare the wheat by full boiling to use it for fishing, on the other hand we bring another half boiled set of wheat  thrown in the water to attract fish. And to make it more attractive we mix it with flour, extruded feeds or blood to get an attractive smell for tilapia.
With repetition of throwing the wheat in the same place with each fishing day's, we will find tilapia accustomed gathering in this place because of the tilapia fish species nesting on the sides of rivers and canals as long as there is a permanent source of food.

Method of fishing:
As we talked before  we fish with wheat in shallow places ,so we use the fishing float with using a very small size of hook such as 10 or 12 then we stick the wheat in the tip of the hook with the use of lightweight and small float then let the hook be anchored at the bottom because the fish eats from the ground.

With shallow water make sure to be invisible to fish with keeping calm and avoid wearing clothes with colors such as clear (blue or red ....) , if possible the camouflaged clothing is the perfect clothing for professionals.



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