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Kirollos Mikhaeil

During my childhood my life connected to fish whether by fish

or breeding, and my first fishing trip to the Nile was at my eight

years old and it was the starting point for me in this field.

This hobby was taken of my father who spent much of his life

in fishing specially Nile fish, and was always looking for new

researchers in this hobby whether new fishing places or

innovative fishing methods or new types of baits and often this

research was successful. So always attributed the credit to my

father who taught me lots and a lots about this hobby and that

if you love it you'll discover a new secret about it everyday

whether you are a fan of fishing or breeding.

When I needed to search in books and the Internet for more information for what I 

know about Nile fish I found few information that were written by the personal efforts of some fishing Amateurs especially in Egypt and others from other Nile Basin countries, but it was a few information which not enough to know a lot about Nile fish.
All this led me to put everything I know of information (some acquired of many years of experience in this hobby and others from researching in some books and websites.

And you will find in this book what I wanted to do about linking between Nile fish and ornamental fish, as a reason of my discovery of the existence of ornamental fish in Nile River, few people know about these fish and know their value.
In addition to many species of fish of the Nile belongs to those of ornamental fish in some other rivers and lakes.

All these information you'll find in this book entitled (NILESH) which is an acronym for (Nile And Aquarium Fish)

My sincere thanks to all of the assistance in this work in writing and translation : Mr Andrew Isaac - Dr Waseem Refaat -Mr Kirollos Zarif

*I dedicate this book to my niece Jessica .. wishing her success in her life.


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