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Nile & Aquarium secrets
Fish found in the Nile and the methods of fishing.
Here we can see Nile fish habits, location in the water, history about some species and Nile fish species such as Tilapia, catfish...
relations between Nile & Aquarium fish
NILESH is a shortcut of this topic (Nile & Aquarium fish) .We can see here some relations between Nile fish and Aquarium fish such as habits, habitant and mating...
Information on some species of ornamental fish, methods of breeding.
Here we can see Nile fish families that can breeding in Aquariums and some information about it.
هنا نستطيع معرفة بعض عائلات أسماك النيل والتي تربى داخل أحواض أسماك الزينة.وبعض المعلومات عن طرق تربيتها
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