NILESH introduction
There are many fans of the Nile fish, especially in Egypt, whether a fan of hunting or see or even taste its nice meat. There is also many fans of the ornamental fish hobby is scattered in various parts of the world. But few of those compounds both of these two hobbies and even conversant with information of the both.
The unfamiliar is that many people think that ornamental fish and Nile fish totally different from each other, believing that the Nile fish are just fish for food, for fishing amateur. While it resides in the Nile Basin most expensive types of ornamental fish, which are raised by professionals in this area in Aquariums specially Nile cichlids.
Content of the topic:
So here I tried as much knowledge as possible of information about everything including fish in general and all that includes the Nile fish and in particular ornamental fish. The opinion is based on research found on many Internet sites specializing in this area and some of the books in my home library, and also rely on personal experience to me whether my love for the breeding of ornamental fish or love fishing in the Nile.
After gathering information from all these sources I hope that I could link the Nile fish and ornamental fish as much as possible from the available information I have
We'll start here with the most popular aquariums fish that resides in the Nile, it's Nile cichlids and we will find in this topic information such as the nature of these fish and habitat, history and places of their presence both in the Nile or across the world and the types of ornamental ones, which are located in different continents of the world.
Food and medical benefits:
Doctors recommend eating fish meal a week or two servings, because fish contain fatty acids characteristic helps in the prevention of
cardiovascular disease, and known that fish
eaters have Less incidence of heart attacks and
heart disease, and Nutrition experts advise
eating sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon,
herring and anchovies because it is rich in
omega fatty acids, a material proven to be
effective in the treatment and prevention
of many diseases such as high cholesterol
and coronary heart disease and stroke,
heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes complications.
Fish has always been a food delicacy on the tables of the ancient Egyptians from waters of the Nile and its branches, canals and drains near the fields, and was known at the time the fish Nile such as tilapia, Mullet, White cat fish, Shilan to the Black Catfish, tells the history presence of stones of granite contains
fossils of two men well build hairy of the
head and chin go side by side in a single step,
carrying a table hanging a type of luxury
fish White catfish, and Papyrus Harris
recorded copious quantities of fish, among
other things, distributes food in the temples
of Thebes and Onow and Memphis of different
types of Mullet and Catfish and Shawl all
of these of the medium-sized, and the
fish tilapia was large, one big enough alone
to feed the entire family.
Fish is the most important sources of water
since the Neolithic.The ancient Egyptian
settled close to the Nile waters, especially
in the flood season and was rich in fish living
in waters, eating fish was taboo in some days
of the year and perhaps they wanted to do so
to allow for breeding of fish in the Nile, where
fish less in times of low water.
Pharaohs has left inscriptions exquisite
overflowing life is so amazing to Nile fish especially on the walls of North temple at Thebes, and these fish can be easily detected, such as fish White catfish, and some of the ancient Egyptians revere the fish, and denied caught or touched or eaten such as, Perch, Carp fish and Eel and believe it's good soul of the water souls, ancient Egyptians have excelled in the conservation of fish, dried, and And extract the roe of some types we can see it at Saqqara tomb, and the fish mummify and preserve in the graves with the types of other food and drink. In Greco fish emerged in many of the scenes but in the Christian era fish has become a new meaning, becoming symbols of Christianity and advantages of Coptic art in Egypt, the two crossed fish sign of a popular art Coptic in the ages of persecution, and notes that filming fish in Coptic art is an extension of the hunting scenes in ancient Egypt as there are great similarities between the two ages you see fish in the water and the boat and fisherman in the busy fishing.
Fish shape:
1-mouth 2-lips 3- smell slot 4-cheek 5-pharynx 6-Nape 7-Eye 8-Gills cover 9-chest 10-trunk (from the edge of the gills cover to the anus) 11-Tail (from the anus to the beginning tail fin) 12-guilt leg (from the end of the back and the anal fin until the beginning of the fin tail) 13-abdomin 14-back 15-sideline 16-scales 17-chest fins 18-abdominal fins (17 +18 double fins) 19-anal fin 20-back fin 21-tail fin (19-21 single fins)
Fish Anatomy
1-Eye 2-Central brain 3-Air vesicle 4-Kidney 5-ribs 7-gills 8-bulging artery 9-cavity of the heart 10-intestine 11-the first lobe of the liver 12 +13- second lobe of the liver 14- testis 15-anus 16- Mating aperture 17-urinal aperture 18 –Urinary bladder
Photo (1):
The sequence of development stages in the life
of goldfish (Kracejus Oratos)
a-c. The embryonic stage:
a-egg stage b-the embryonic stage
c-primitive larval stage
d+e. Larval stage:
d-stage larvae of primitive pterygoid.
e-larvae stage pterygoid
f-youth stage
g- full growth stage
Photo (2):
a-sketch of a fish egg b-layers of membranes of
the river goby fish egg(Gubbio Gubbio)
c- aperture entry semens in the egg
Cre = external radial crust. Cri=internal radial crust.
D=salt. Dt=yellow dot. Fe= Mucous membrane sac.
Mg= minute opening. K=the kernel.
Kk=apart of nucleus. Rv=vesicle shell.
Tf= Cavity sac (two layers are the crust cover the
Photo (3):
a-egg is unfertilized b-first stage of the egg c-the second phase of the egg d-fourth stage of the egg e-The 32th stage for egg f-First baby (blastula) g-S Mouth opening stage (Gastrula) h- eye Nerve formation stage i-the first stage for heart impulse k- liver and gut cavity formation stage l+m- stage of the first appearance of the fin tail and the hatching stage.
Identifying characters:
1- Mouth opening site
a= upper b= end c= lower
2- Shape of scales
a= circular b= pectinate
3- Shape of fin tail
a = clipped to the inside b = c = falling short
4- Shape the back fin
a = short customary b= long customary and hard
and soft packages are non separated.
are separated. packages c = double fins, separate
soft and hard
d = double fins, soft and hard packages separate
but converging.
e = double fins packages of soft and hard
separated and specific, the soft packages are
lined f= triple g= lined fin h= fatty fin
5- Fin pack
a = solid pack b = soft pack
6- Lines package forms
a = straight b=curved to the top c = incomplete
7-Abdominal fin site
a = ventral b=chest c = pharyngeal
Examples of different sex:
a = pointed back fin and round fin in the fish Labyrinth
b = long back fin and short in fish Karakoidea species..
c = male genital organ and a pregnancy spot in the family
d = swordtail and non swordtail in the family Ksifuvors.
e = egg spots or non spots in the anal fin in the species
of Cichlids..
f = fatty hump or non faty in some Cichlids..
g = variations of color..